Accommodations in Higher Ed: Lessons Learned
I entered college straight out of being mainstreamed for my entire school career and having fought against every accommodation the...

Self-Advocates Share Irma Experiences
The majority of Floridians know that hurricanes are likely to strike our state, and news reports run season-long with projections for...

Moving Out of the Big "D" Tent to Advocate for Healthcare
The recent bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act failed in the U.S. Senate so all of us with disabilities can breathe a sigh of relief,...

Coming of Age After the ADA
FSACentral welcomes it's newest writer, Chelsey Kendig. Read her bio here. Every year a delegation of teenagers with disabilities come to...

Self-Advocacy at The Family Cafe
Although some people associate The Family Cafe conference with catering mostly to families and youth with disabilities, each year the...

Cruising with a Disability -- Bring your Sunscreen & Shower Chair
Like many publications, Florida Self-Advocacy Central talks about crucial issues in the disability community --everything from how...

FL SAND, The First Time is a Charm
The following is reposted with permission from Jason Hahr's personal blog The Voiceless Minority. So, this weekend I attended my first...

An Open Letter to the President-Elect: Please Don't Forget Persons with Disabilities
Florida Self-Advocacy Central extends a warm welcome to its newest writer, Jason Hahr. Dear President-Elect Trump, I would like to...

Interviewing for Success
There's no better opportunity to advocate for yourself and promote your abilities than through competitive employment. However, to land...

Application & Resume Tips to Help Land Your Next Job Interview
In honor of disability employment month, I want to go over some things that may help you as a person with a disability land a job interview.